The new cape physics unit 1 e-book is now out and you can download it here for free. This e-book contains some of the most popular topics in physics. It was created based on the cape syllabus which is also compatible with other major syllabuses such as the A-Level syllabus. It was created mainly for students going through their first year of college. It features the common cape/a-level notes most containing images and a complete guide to help you a bit more as you read. This is the first edition so not all topics were covered but you can always keep an eye out for the second edition where you’ll find all the notes you need. There are also example questions with answers in areas where most students may find physics difficult.

Below are just some of the topics covered in this e-book:

  • Scalar and vector Quantities
  • Vectors
  • Newton’s Laws of Motion
  • Circular Motion
  • Simple Harmonic Motion
  • Etc…….




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