Individuals interested in pursuing rewarding and fast-paced careers or would like to make more money can opt for an online education. There are various rewarding and great-paying careers that can be achieved by obtaining online degree programs. Enrolling in an online degree program helps you choose an exciting career in your field. Below are listed five lucrative and fast-paced careers that can be pursued by enrolling in an accredited online degree.
1. Registered Nurse
It is one of the fast growing careers that could be pursued by earning an online bachelor's degree in nursing, associate's degree in nursing, or a nursing diploma. Registered nurse (RN) provide medical care to patients and responsible for conducting and analyzing diagnostic tests and providing treatment and medications. Getting further education can help qualify a nurse to work in an emergency room. Registered nurses can earn Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) certification in order to qualify for the position of emergency room nurse. RNs can earn up to $67,720 annually.
2. Meeting and Convention Planner
You can also pursue a rewarding career as a meeting and conventional planner who is responsible to perform tasks like finding guest speakers, hotels, and negotiating contracts. Earning an online bachelor’s degree in hotel and hospitality management, business and business administration, public relations, and marketing from accredited online colleges can prepare you for entry level positions. As a meeting and convention planner you can earn an annual income around $48,780.
3. Cyber Security Worker
Opting for an online degree in computer science, software engineering and computer information systems can help you prepare for a career as a cyber security worker. As a cyber security worker, you are largely responsible for protecting data and computer systems connected to the Internet. In addition, you can also monitor computer systems and develop products that ensure and improve computer security. Cyber security worker have good earning potential and can earn up to $69,570.
4. Court Reporter
You can also opt for a career as a court reporter by opting for an online degree program in paralegal studies that are being offered by various accredited online schools. As a court reporter you are responsible to create transcripts of legal proceedings, meetings, speeches, and other events. Court reporters require a high level of knowledge, speed and accuracy because they have to ensure the accuracy and completeness of legal transcripts. An average yearly income for court reporters is around $53,270.
5. Executive Chef
Individuals who have a passion for cooking can enroll in an online degree in culinary arts that can be completed from a few months to two or more years. Pursuing an online degree in culinary arts prepares individuals to work as an executive chef or head cook who are responsible to determine serving sizes, develop menus, order food supplies, and run kitchen operations. As an executive chef or head cook you can earn an annual salary of $44,780.
In a nutshell, if you want to start a successful and lucrative career, choosing an online degree program might be the perfect choice that helps you successfully launch a rewarding career in today’s tough job market.
Author Bio: Kelly Gibson is a professional webmaster. Her main area of interest is educational research. Check out her blog for online college brochures, useful articles on online education, accredited online schools, universities and much more.
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