Protocol for DNA- DNA Hybridization:
1. DNA fixing (for one Probe):
Ø Add 60 µl 0.1 mg/ml all DNA Solution (Probe + Target) in 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube.
Ø Boil the tube for 5 min (900C).
Ø Immediately cool in Ice quickly.
Ø Add 9.0 volume of PBSM buffer.
DNA Solution:
Ø Dispense 0.1 ml DNA solution each in 96 well-microplate wells (96 wells).
Ø Each well contains 1.0 µg of DNA.
Ø Dispense the negative control in 96 well-microplate wells. (E.coli or Salmon Sperm DNA)
Ø Cover the plates with aluminum foil.
Ø Incubate at 370C for 2 hrs. or 280C for 3 hrs.
Ø Discard the DNA Solution.
Ø Wash with 0.2 ml 1X PBS (Remove unbound DNA).
Ø Discard the PBS solution.
Ø Dry at 600C for 2 hrs. Or 450C for overnight.
2. Hybridization and Labelling of Probe:
Ø Prepare 10 µl of Probe DNA (1 mg/ml= 1 µg/ µl).
Ø Make or take prehybridization solution and hybridization solution from -200C to the hybrid oven (370).
Ø Dispense 0.2 ml of prehybridization solution in microplate wells.
Ø Incubate the wells at 370C for 1 hr.
Photobiotin Labelling to the Probe DNA:
(Amount correspondent to 80 wells = 16 species)
Ø Put 10.0 µl of 1 mg/ml photobiotin solution into prepared probe DNA in the dark room.
Ø Irradiate with a sunlamp for 15 mins in the ice bath. (open the cover of eppendroff).
Ø Mix well every 5 min. (by tapping).
Ø Add 0.2 ml of 0.1 M Tris-HCl Buffer (pH 9.0) & vortex.
Ø Add 0.1 ml of 1-butanol & vortex.
Ø Spin for 10-20 Sec.
Ø Discard the upper layer (Upper layer pink Solution).
Ø Add 0.1 ml of 1-butanol & vortex.
Ø Spin for 10-20 Sec.
Ø Discard the upper layer (remove the unused photoprobe biotine).
Ø Boil for 15 min.
Ø Immediately cool on ice (quickly).
· Dissolve in 10 ml of hybridization solution (to be 0.5 µg/ml-2 µg/ml).
· Discard the prehybridization solution from the microplate wells.
· Dispense 0.1 ml of biotinylated DNA solution mentioned above into microplate wells.
· Seal the microplate wells.
· Incubate for 2-3 hrs. at hybrid temperature or overnight.
(Hybrid temp. : 0.41 X (G+C mol% probe DNA) + 24.30C overnight is better, for we could do the high fluoresce intensity.
3. Detection:
Ø Prepare the following Solution just before experiment:
a. Solution-1
b. Solution-2
c. 4-MUF-Gal Solution
Ø Discard hybridization solution and wash the wells 3 times using 0.2 ml 2X SSC.
Enzyme adhesion to biotin-labeled DNA:
Ø Add 0.2 ml of Solution-1
Ø Incubate at room temp. for 10 min.
Ø Discard the Solution-1
Ø Add 0.1 ml of Solution-2.
Ø Incubate at 370C for 30 min.
· Discard solution-2 and wash each wells three times using 0.2 ml of 1X PBS.
· Add 0.1 ml 4-MUF-Gal Solution quickly (in order of the wells).
· Measure fluorescence with microplate reader every 15 mins. Keeping it to incubate at 370C.
360/40 , 460/40
Reagents for DDH
1. Probe DNA (Sample DNA):
Ø Adjust the Concentration to 1000 in nanodrop reading (during Abs. measurement)
2. Target DNA (Reference DNA):
Ø Adjust the Concentration to 1000 in nanodrop reading (during Abs. measurement)
3. Salmon Sperm DNA (For negative control):
Ø Adjust the Concentration to 1000 in nanodrop reading (during Abs. measurement)
4. PBS (Phosphate Buffer Saline) Buffer :
Ø No need to prepare, available in lab.
Ø 20 x PBS buffer available in lab.
Ø Dilute to required concentration
For 1 X PBS (For 100 ml):
· 5 ml 20 x PBS buffer
· 95 ml 3d/w water
· Keep in room temperature.
For 2 X PBS (For 100 ml):
· 10ml 20 x PBS buffer
· 90 ml 3d/w water
· Keep in room temperature
5. PBSM buffer:
Ø 500 ml 2 X PBS
Ø 300 ml water
Ø 100 ml MgCl2 (1M)
For 90 ml PBSM buffer:
· 50 ml 2 X PBS
· 30 ml water
· 10 ml MgCl2
6. 1 M MgCl2 (for 100 ml):
(Usually, MgCl2.6H2O is available in lab, So, mol. Wt. = 203.30)
Ø 20.33 g MgCl2.6H2O
Ø 100 ml 3 d/w
Ø Autoclave
7. Denatured Salmon Sperm DNA (For making prehybridisation solution) (100 µg/ml ) ( for 10 ml):
Ø Take 0.1 ml of Salmon Sperm DNA (from Stock of 10 mg/ ml Concentration)
Ø Take 9.9 ml µl of 3 D/w (Sterile)
Ø Boil for 10 min. & immediately cool in ice.
10. Hybridization Solution:
(Prehybridization Solution & 5% Dextran sulfate)
Ø 5 g Dextran Sulfate (5%)
Ø 100 ml prehybridization Solution
Ø Dissolve Carefully
Ø Store in -200C
11. Photobiotin Solution (1mg/ml)
12. 0.1 M Tris-HCL Buffer (pH 9.0) (For 100 ml):
Ø 1.21 g Tris
Ø 100 ml Sterile 3D/w
Ø Adjust pH to 9.0
Ø Store in room temp.
13. 1- Butanol
14. SSC (Saline Sodium Citrate) Buffer (For 20x Concentration):
Ø 20x 0.15 M Nacl = 175.32 g
Ø 20x 0.015 M Sodium Citrate = 88.23 g
(Sodium Citrate.H20)
Ø 3D/w = 1000ml
Ø Autoclave
For 2x SSC (for 100 ml):
Ø Take 10 ml 20x SSC and dissolve in 90 ml Sterile 3D/w.
15. Solution -1 (For 100 ml):
(0.5% BSA, 0.1% Triton X-100, 1x PBS)
Ø BSA (Bovine Serum albumin) = 0.50 g
Ø Triton X-100 = 100 µl
Ø 1x PBS = 100ml
16. Solution-2 (for 10 ml):
(Solution-1 & 10ng/ml Streptavidine-β-galactosidase)
Ø Streptavidine- β-galactosidase =10 µl
Ø Solution-1 = 10ml
17. 4-MUF-Gal solution (4-Methylumbelliferyl β-D-galactopyranoside):
Ø 1M MgCl2 = 10 µl
Ø 4-Methylumbelliferyl β-D-galactopyranoside = 1 mg
Ø 1x PBS = 10 ml
Ø N,N-dimethyl formamide = 100 µl
Note: 1 mg 4-MUF-Gal is suspended in 100 µl of N,N-dimethyl formamide & sonicated for 3 min.
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