• The term vernalization was coined by T.D. Lysenko in 1920s. Other important scientists who have contributed to the study on vernalization were F.G. Gregory and O.N. Purvis (1961).
• In many plants the flowering is influenced not only by the correct photoperiod but also by temperature.
• The cold (low temperature) treatment to a plant bud or seedling in order to fulfil a specific low temperature requirement for accelerating flowering is called vernalization or Yarovisation.
• Chourad (1960) has defined vernalization as the “Acquisition of the ability to flower by a chilling treatment.
• This type of agricultural practices results in shortening of the interval between sowing and flowering.
• Vernalization method can be successfully applied in a no. of plants, mostly belonging to families Graminae (oat, Wheat), leguminaceae (Pea, Clover), Cruciferae (Cabbage) etc.
• Vernalization does not occur in dry seed. The seed should be semi-germinated and should have an active embryo.
• The cold treatment (low temperature) to a plant bud seedling in order to fulfill specific low temperature requirements for accelerating flowering is called vernalization.
• Klippart in 1857, while working with two varieties of wheat the winter and spring wheat, noticed the low temperature requirement for flowering.
• The winter wheat is shown in winter and produces flower in summer. And spring wheat is shown in the spring season and produces flower in summer.
• He observed that if the germinated seeds of winter wheat are treated with a low temperature these can behave as spring wheat. He concluded that the winter wheat require low temperature (O0C to 50C) for subsequent flowering.
• Lysenko (1929-30) observed that, if seeds of winter wheat are germinated in an ice box and subjected to suitable light, moisture, these can be shown in spring season and will flower with spring varieties of wheat.
• He gave the name of this phenomenon as “transformation of winter forms in to spring forms or vernalization”.
• Vernalization may be defined as “the method of inducing early flowering in plants by treatment of their seeds at very low temperature”.
Site of Vernalization:
• Root and shoot apices, apical buds, leaves, and embryos are the plant parts may be the potential site of vernalization.
Requirement of Vernalization:
- Low temperature, (Perception of cold stimulus).
- Presence of floral hormone i.e., Vernalin
- Active embryo or shoot (age of plant)
- Oxygen
- Water
- Growth activators are required to express the effect of vernalization.
Mechanism of Vernalization:
Ø The mechanism of vernalization can be discussed by two theory:
- Phasic development theory
- Hormonal Theory
- Phasic development theory:
• Lysenko gave a two phasic theory, according to which growth and development of a plant are two distinct phenomena.
• Growth is an increase in the size of a plant without any profound qualitative change in the growing parts.
• During development the plant enters a new phase qualitatively differing from the preceding phase and bringing it nearer to its final phase of life, i.e., fruit bearing.
• Exposure to low temperature is necessary for the change over from growth phase to development phase.
• Starting of any of these phases will take only when the previous phase has been completed
• The phase requires different external condition for completion such as light & temperature.
• Since vernalization process is dependent on a sequence of biochemical reactions, water, oxygen are indispensable in the vernalization process.
• Purvis stated that seed must contain at least 90% water of their absolute dry weight for adequate vernalization.
• Vernalization of dry seed is not possible. It is also not possible to vernalize seeds kept in an atmosphere of nitrogen in spite of provision of adequate quantities of water.
• The oxygen requirement is though low but absolute. The respiratory energy is necessary. If respiratory inhibitors are used the response to vernalization decreases.
Importance of Vernalization:
• Crops can be produced earlier and crops can be grown in the region where they do not grow naturally.
• Plant breeding can be accelerated by the application of vernalization technique.
• It increase the cold and drought resistance power of the plant.
• Helps to reduce incidence of diseases in several plants .
• Enhance the yield of crops.
• Vernalization is required to break dormancy and induce growth.
• Off season vegetables and crops and flowers can be produced by vernalization.
• May help to resolve the adverse condition during the period of development of crops.
• Devernalization helps in the control of flowering of onion, garlic, potato, and other no. of plants.
• It shortens the vegetative period and hasten flowering period which will make a benefit to the farmer.
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